Best Benefits System For Income On SUPER BRAIN HASKS

Best Benefits System For Income On SUPER BRAIN HASKS Are even a LITTLE BIT 'IN YOUR FACE'

I get a lot of emails and comments from people asking if we could develop a dividend

growth system based on four attributes:

Capital preservation, capital appreciation, monthly income, and low volatility.

I understand that since income investing is a two-legged race,

there is a balance to strike between dividend income and capital appreciation.

However, I have found that the strategy

I outlined above – the ultra-efficient dividend growth system,

that can be used to generate income based

on the premise of capital preservation – is so simple and effective that

it can be used to generate income that beats any known income growth track record.

Doing so isn't easy. The system, when implemented, is relatively simple,

but also quite unique. Because the system only uses a few types of stocks,

it doesn't require a lot of analysis. It's just a matter

of looking at the portfolio composition and adding more of the same.

It is simple and one of the more effective ways to produce safe,

steady income from stocks, a reliable way to generate a monthly income stream.

The system has a built-in backstop, with a system that can be

employed to manage any potential dividend income shortfall – the worst thing

that can happen is that a stock that was sold goes up in price

and doesn't contribute to the annual income. But it's almost always

possible that one of the stocks that isn't participating in the system will outperform.

When that happens, the system uses debt to bridge the gap between

the actual dividend income earned and the amount

that would be received with the purchase price paid.

I like this approach. A piece of paper with your daily cash flow is easy to hold

and easy to read and manage.

In contrast, a stock portfolio – even one built using only 50 stocks – can be overwhelming and unwieldy. You may want to consider creating a simulated

portfolio using our "ultra-efficient dividend growth system," and, based on the dividend income it produces, figure out what to do.


If you buy dividend growth stocks, how does a stock that doesn't contribute

to your monthly income ever get into the system? I like to start with the holdings

that represent less than one percent of the portfolio.

The goal is to build a portfolio that has 80% of the stocks included in the

system represented by positions in the "safe" bucket,

those that are classified as "high" risk and have reasonable downside risk.

What is the strategy?

You don't sell any stock that doesn't contribute to the annual income;

you buy more. If a stock that doesn't contribute to the income for any reason

goes down in price, you sell it. In a very real sense,

all you're doing is liquidating any unprofitable positions.

It's the ultimate liquidation strategy because you're going to

get cash to use to buy more stocks.

The annual income generated from the high-risk stock that is not currently

in the system is not offset by the annual income from

the stocks currently in the system. That is how the system can work.

What should the initial portfolio look like?

The number of companies that are in the portfolio should be proportional to

the annual income that will be generated by the system.

For example, if you're going to generate $5,000 of annual income and have

only 50 stocks in the portfolio, you'll need 50 stocks.

Keep in mind that the system is easy to implement but not easy

to explain, so I won't bore you with the details.

latest way to Income on super brain hacks.building an email list.

Build Your Email List

Email marketing is one of the most popular marketing strategies in the form of selling emails.

This method of promoting your products and services by creating email lists is considered as one of the easiest marketing techniques.

Although it requires extremely hard work to build an email list, but it pays off in big amounts. Build an email list today and start making some sales with it.

You may ask why you would do this? Well, here are some reasons:

1. If you don’t have an email list, then no one else has either.

2. Many people like buying online, especially if they don’t have sufficient information about what kind of product they have online.

But, not everyone knows how to buy it online. So, having an email list is certainly an important thing for everybody.

3. Having a list can give you the confidence of knowing who is actually going to receive their product because people know that

you are making a brand awareness about it. It creates a sense of trust with the customer while he gets his product.

4. When your customers have an email list, then there is nothing better than getting them to buy more of it.

They get to easily reach out to you and say hi. Because you make the whole experience fun and easy for them to get an excellent quality item.

5. An email list is just too easy to use. You don’t need any coding knowledge. There is even much you don’t need anything.

All you do is just put a label, add some text, and boom! You have your own store with almost unlimited opportunities.

6. A good email list always keeps growing. Once an email list increases in size, people follow it on social media.

People try to purchase you first. They write reviews about the product. They comment on other sites like yours and leave reviews for others. This makes your business grow.

7. Being known around the world is essential to your success. Some people believe that a good reputation is better than money.

That’s actually far from the truth. While being famous might be nice, it isn’t an easy process to achieve it for every single person.

However, when you get an email list created by someone like myself, that could make all the difference in your success if you put effort into it.

8. The idea behind running an email list is to give yourself control over the results. No one is telling you what type of email list you should run on.

What you do is decide who needs your email list and who doesn’t. Nobody except for you knows exactly what needs to be done.

Let's Take a Look At How To Set Up Your Own Email List

9. First, create your website. You can use to create an affordable and easy website. Then, you create your email list. 

10. After you set up your email list, then you have to promote it. Promoting yourself will only give you results, so you shouldn't be afraid to tell others.

Especially, if there are other people on your blog who are also interested in what you're selling. When you advertise yourself on Google or Facebook for instance, sometimes there is hardly any competition for you.

Your email list won't get very large. Even if if it does, then there is still a huge chance of receiving thousands or even millions of visitors from that,

so there's still plenty of opportunity here for you to continue increasing your traffic numbers.

11. Lastly, you wait for people to purchase from you. I've learned this the hardest part of running an email list.

Most people don't buy from you. Sometimes, people don’t even buy what you are selling. Other times people just disappear after

they find it difficult to make decisions without thinking about it.

Either way, being able to sell your email list will definitely pay off.

12. Finally, once your email list reaches millions and millions of consumers, then it's time to see what you have achieved in terms of profit. Obviously, there will be occasions where you lose money,

but there's always room for growth here. One of the best things about owning an email list is knowing just enough that some people

already did well with your first few campaigns before your email list was small.

Good luck.

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